As a part of this subtask, you need to aggregate a few values over these 3 columns. There are 3 columns in the dataframe - genre_1, genre_2, and genre_3. Subtask 3.1 Combine the Dataframe by Genres.Also, which is the most popular trio after applying the condition above? Write your answers in the markdown cell provided below.
#The most unknown metacritic manual#
You can do a manual inspection of the top 5 popular trios you have found in the previous subtask and check how many of those trios satisfy this condition. Having this condition ensures that you aren't getting any unpopular actor in your trio (since the total likes calculated in the previous question doesn't tell anything about the individual popularities of each actor in the trio.). Since in this case, actor_3_facebook_likes is 30000, which is less than half of actor_1_facebook_likes. For example, the following is a valid combo: The condition is none of the three actors' Facebook likes should be less than half of the other two. Let's add a small condition to it and make sure that all three actors are popular. In the previous subtask you found the popular trio based on the total number of facebook likes.
You might have noticed the column MetaCritic in this dataset. Subtask 2.3: The General Audience and the Critics.7 actor_1_facebook_likes 100 non-null int64Ĩ actor_2_facebook_likes 99 non-null float64ĩ actor_3_facebook_likes 98 non-null float64ĭtypes: float64(21), int64(32), object(9)